
Genshin Impact Klee build guide: Here's what you need to know | PC Gamer - austinweactiond

The record-breaking builds for Klee in Genshin Impact

best Genshin Impact klee builds
(Image deferred payment: miHoYo)

Looking for the high-grade Genshin Impact Klee build? This runty red bomb maker may seem innocent enough, merely she's actually unrivalled of the game's well-nig infamous damage-dealers. Maybe that's how Klee cursorily became one of Genshin's most iconic characters, joyously running with arms outstretched through the Fields of Mondstadt, as the world burns roughly her.

What makes her so infamous? Well, Klee is a unique version of a Pyro-accelerator user, and instead of hurling fireballs like Yanfei, she chucks homespun explosives at enemies. Her wholly-Pyro attacks are perfect for triggering powerful elemental reactions, and she has an extremely strong provocative attack.

Klee is without doubt one of the best Genshin Impact characters, and a capable damage-bargainer, but she also her personal unique playstyle, moving sudden between enemies as she buries them under a mountain of bombs. In this Genshin Touch Klee material body guide, I'll implement her abilities, constellations, ascensions materials, and declare oneself a couple of builds to make the near of this explosives expert.


(Image acknowledgment: miHoYo)

The best Genshin Impact Klee build

Klee is at her best Eastern Samoa a DPS hero, blowing gourmandize up, and using her innate ability As a Pyro accelerator user to do powerful elemental reactions. Any decent build will either take this into news report, operating theater her puissant charged attacks.

Pyro DPS

  • Arm: Lost Orison to the Sacred Winds

This five-maven catalyst is a good pick for Paul Klee, since information technology gives her an elemental damage bonus of 8% for every four seconds she's in combat, stacking up to a whopping 32%. IT also increases her motility speed by 10%, and you know how such Klee loves to run.

A a Pyro-accelerator substance abuser, Klee has an innate ability to gun trigger reactions with her wholly elemental damage. Mappa Mare is a good four-star alternative to take away advantage of this, profit-maximizing elementa command, only also granting an 8% elemental damage fillip when you cause a reaction, stacking up to twofold.

More top Genshin Bear on builds

  • Artefact: Crimson Witch of Flames

As always, Flush Witch of Flames is the straighforward pick for Pyro damage-dealers. A two-piece put back grants a 15% Pyro damage bonus, while four-pieces increases Overloaded and Burning scathe by 40%, and Vaporise and Fade hurt by 15%. When you practice an elemental skill, that two-piece 15% fillip is advance away 50% for ten seconds.

As a catalyst-user who exclusively deals Pyro damage, this all boosts Klee's DPS capability by a hefty margin, and strengthens her power to actuate powerful elemental reactions.

Charge Attack DPS

  • Weapon: Dodoco Tales

If you were lucky enough to take hold of Dodoco Tales during the Midsummer Island Adventure event, it's a perfect pick for a charged fire DPS Klee. When you land a normal attack, it increases charged snipe hurt by 16% for six seconds. When you land a live attack, IT increases flak by 8% for a further six seconds. This allows some attack types to feed into each other, creating a cycle of buffs.

A decent three-star alternative would follow the Amber Catalyst, which boosts elemental damage by 6% percent for six seconds when you land a normal attack. This stacks adequate two times.

  • Artifact: Wanderer's Company

A four-piece set of Wanderer's Troupe increases elemental mastery by 80, which strengthens Klee's innate ability to cause Pyro reactions, but also increases her charged attack damage by 35%.

If you'Re looking an disjunctive, then Shimenawa's Reminiscence is a decent choice. For lounge suit, IT boosts attack away 18%, while four-pieces means that when you cast an elemental skill, modal, charged, and plunging attacks gain a 50% impairment bonus for ten seconds (at the cost of 15 energy). This makes Klee's effective Pyro attacks even stronger.

How to unlock

How to get Klee in Genshin Affect

As with many of Genshin Impact's five-star characters, Klee is a not currently uncommitted in any of the game's banners. The last time you could wish for her was in June. Still, Klee is an extremely popular quality, thusly I'd wager it's just a matter of clock before she gets a re-incline. Until then, the only thing you can Doctor of Osteopathy is keep an eye out on who's faced in approaching banners.


Klee's abilities

Here are Klee's abilities, passives, and Constellations:

Natural round: Kaboom!
Normal Flack: Klee performs three quick ranged attacks, transaction AoE Pyro hurt.
Charged Attack: Klee's projectile deals larger AoE Pyro damage.
Plunging Onset: Klee's explosion deals big AoE Pyro equipment casualty.
Elemental Skill
Jumpy Dumpty Klee throws a fireball (named Highly strung Dumpty), which bounces threefold, causation AoE Pyro wrong with each bounce. On the final exam bounce, IT leaves Pyro mines on the battlefield. It has two charges.
Elemental Burst
Sparks 'n' Stir This fiery attack deals prolonged AoE Pyro impairment to all enemies near Klee.
Pounding Surprise: Klee has a 50% chance to amplification an Volatile Spark with every successful Normal Attack, which supercharges her Charged Attack, transaction 50% more damage and costing no Stamina.
Sparkling Burst: If Klee's Charged Attack gets a Crit hit, all party members make 2 Basic Energy.
All Of My Treasures!: All Mondstadt specialties are displayed on the mini-map while Klee is present.
Chained Reactions: Attacks and Skills can come up sparks, which manage 120% of Sparks 'n' Splash's harm level.
Unstable Frags: Enemies who trod along Jumpy Dumpty's mines have 23% lower Defensive measure for 10 seconds.
Exquisite Odd-pinnate: Jumpy Dumpty's level increases past 3.
Sparkly Explosion: If Klee exits the fight during Sparks 'n' Splash, it triggers an plosion Worth 555% of her Attack stat arsenic AoE Pyro legal injury.
Nova Explode: Sparks 'n' Splash's level increases by 3.
Blazing Delight: During Sparks 'n' Splash, other party members restore Energy and gain a 10% Pyro Damage bonus for 25 seconds.

Ascension materials

Genshin Impact's Klee blowing up fish in Mondstadt

(Image credit: miHoYo)

Klee Ascension materials


Systematic to level Klee you're going to need Agnidus Agate and Everflame Seeds, which you can get from the Pyro Regisvine boss. There are also two reality materials you're going to have to collect:

  • Philanemo Mushrooms
  • Divining Scrolls

Philanemo Mushrooms are the weird superficial fungi that turn on the sides of houses in Mondstadt, First light Wine maker, and Springvale, while Divining Scrolls, and their other variants, are dropped by Samachurls of various world levels.


Here's what you'rhenium going to deman to ascend Paul Klee's talents:

  • Teachings of Freedom
  • Divining Scrolls
  • Ring of Boreas
  • Crown of Insight

Teachings of Exemption are a reward from the Forsaken Rift on Mondays, Thursdays, and Sundays. As mentioned, Divining Scrolls and their upgraded versions comes from Samachurls of varied world levels. The Ring of Boreas comes from the Lupus Boreas boss battle along level 70+.

At long last, the Crown of Insight is attained through and through convinced seasonal events, and by upgrading the Frostbearing Tree in Dragonspine, or the Sacred Sakura in Inazuma.


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